Security risk management is, as we frequently say, important for every organisation. For most businesses it can be a make or break issue and, in lots of industries, there are legally binding obligations & regulations on how security risks are managed.
However, despite this importance, lots of organisations struggle at implementing the fundamentals and risk management failures are frequently reported. The result of this is that organisations either struggle with risk management they don’t understand, or simply worry about it without taking proper steps to improve the situation. As reported by the Association of Corporate Counsel (via TRInvestigator on twitter):
[blackbirdpie url=”!/TRInvestigator/status/121625600912924672″]
One of the basic requirements for a risk management plan is to have a proper risk register. To help you implement this, Halkyn Consulting have provided a generic security risk register template for free download.
This template is configured with the basic information you would need to keep a track of your security risks as you identify & categorise them, then it enables you record what mitigation action you have taken and what effect that has on the overall risk score.
It is important to note that this is a generic template. While it meets the basic requirements common to every organisation, it is likely to need customisation to make it specific to your exact circumstances. If you want to customise this template then get in touch and our security consultants will be happy to work with you to establish your needs and help you build a robust, practical and effective risk management strategy.
Don’t waste time – take the appropriate steps, and get expert advice, to enable your business or organisation to fully embrace the opportunities you are presented while properly managing and minimising the associated risks.