Phishing and Malware – FedEx missed delivery
It seems that every day, new script kiddies discover the likes of the Social Engineering Toolkit or Metasploit and launch a new wave of phishing attacks. Unfortunately it seems that…
It seems that every day, new script kiddies discover the likes of the Social Engineering Toolkit or Metasploit and launch a new wave of phishing attacks. Unfortunately it seems that…
FinPhishing - or financial spear phishing - is a form of social engineering attack which is becoming massively profitable for the criminal enterprises involved. Unfortunately for the victims it is…
As most internet users know, phishing attacks are very common. The term itself dates back to 1995 (e.g. AOHell) and social engineering (which is basically what phishing is) goes back…
Yesterday, the well known and heavily used internet search engine Google introduced a service by which it will warn users when it detects malware signatures on their computer. Working in…
Phishing is an on-going threat to most businesses and home users. It is safe to assume that there will be a constant stream of phishing emails sent to pretty much…
Previously we mentioned a news item that claimed the International Monetary Fund had been the victim of a "spear phishing" security breach. It seems that this is far from an…