Physical security forms the baseline for any asset protection or loss prevention programme and is an essential bedrock for building your organisations risk management strategy. While high tech data attacks may get more headlines in the news, physical security breaches consistently cause the most suffering to businesses across the globe.

As part of our ongoing security improvement campaigns, we have produced a handy security assessment form which will assist any organisation looking to carry out a baseline security review. You can download a copy of the security assessment from for free from our Security Resources section.
This document is best used by a security professional to assess the level of existing controls which then allows a realistic assessment of where weaknesses exist and, in turn, helps with determining the most cost effective improvements.
Remember, physical security forms the baseline to protecting your assets – be they physical products, people or intangible data. Good physical security will prevent your assets being stolen, will keep your employees safer and is a requirement for any form of security compliance certification.
If you want to know more about conducting physical security assessments, or would like to find out about how Halkyn Consulting can assist you in improving your security, then get in touch today.