Halkyn Security have provided a new security resource for general download.
The Information Security Classification Guide is provided to help businesses and enterprises of all sizes develop a coherent and effective system for determining what level of security classification they should use for given pieces of data.
For any organisation, the protection of data is increasingly important – most companies we deal with are surprised when they realise just how much they hold, and how much damage it could cause them. However, there is an equal risk of over classifying data so that people miss out on vital information which can, in extreme circumstances, cause you to miss opportunities and lose profits.
This guide will give you a quick and ready way to assess what classification each piece of information should hold, which will help you ensure that you apply the appropriate level of security ensuring cost effective protection.
Halkyn Security Consulting have developed this guide to assist with the ever difficult task of assessing your data as part of our program to raise security awareness among the small – medium enterprise sector which is often neglected. For more information on our services, or to suggest other resources we should develop, please get in touch.